Managing Avoidable Hotel Utility Waste
As electric utility rates continue to increase exponentially across the US, please consider the following:
As electric utility rates continue to increase exponentially across the US, please consider the following:
Georgia Power Commits to Net-Zero Emissions: How Lodging Technology and GEM Link® Wireless Can Help Hotels Achieve Sustainability Goals
How Lodging Technology and GEM Link® Wireless Can Help Hotels Further Reduce Energy Costs
Appalachian Power, a major utility provider in the Mid-Atlantic, has requested another rate increase that could potentially affect the energy bills of its customers, including businesses in the lodging industry.
Virginia has recently approved a fuel rate increase for Dominion Energy Virginia. The increase, which took effect on December 1, 2022, could have an impact on energy costs for businesses in the lodging industry. However, there are ways for hotels to mitigate these potential costs.
Electric Costs for Thousands to Go Up Starting in 2023: How Lodging Technology and GEM Link® Wireless Can Help
Duke Energy Carolinas has recently proposed an annual adjustment to its fuel and other riders with the North Carolina Utilities Commission. The proposed changes aim to adjust rates according to actual costs and reduce the need for future rate adjustments. This announcement could have an impact on energy costs for
A new report from the US Department of Energy has revealed that an astounding 43% of all energy consumption in the United States is unnecessary and avoidable waste. This waste not only contributes to higher utility bills for businesses and households but also puts a strain on the country’s energy infrastructure and contributes to climate change.
Reduce HVAC and Lighting Utility Waste
As the world becomes increasingly aware of the environmental impact of climate change, many governments are taking steps to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable practices. For example, in the United States, lawmakers are considering a new bill requiring hotels to maintain warmer temperatures during the summer and cooler temperatures